The Outcomes Toolbox can be an invaluable resource if your organization:
Has been asked for outcomes by a funding source, but are uncertain where or how to begin;
- Is not sure what an “outcomes approach” to its work might look like;
- Is unsure about the difference between an “outcome” and an “output,” or about other terms you might hear in conversations about results;
- Is unsure of what makes up a “good” outcome;
- Is unsure how to identify the outcomes your organization is or should be working toward;
- Is not sure how to work with outcomes, how to track and manage toward them;
- Does not know how (or why) to assess your programs’ or organization’s capacity;
- Is unsure how best to capture the insights and learnings from your programs;
- Is unsure the best way to communicate your results to audiences you need to impress;
- Is unsure of how or why to apply the concepts of outcomes to facets of your organization beyond its programs;
- Would like stronger analytical tools to help you better assess the strengths or weaknesses of your programs